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Workflows for the acquisition of logger data and quality characteristics


The following graphics represent the 3 basic workflows of the logger component in a simplified way. A more detailed explanation of the individual processes (Roman numerals) can be found under processes for logger data aquisition and quality characteristics. A more detailed explanation of the different data levels (Level 0 to Level 2b) can be found under data level.

Variant 1: Web-based flagging


Level 0 and Level 1 data are automatically recorded in the DMP and quality characteristics are added using the web frontend.

Variant 2: Automated quality assurance in Level 2a


The Level 0 and Level 1 data are automatically captured in the DMP and extended by quality characteristics through external processing.

Variant 3: Automated quality assurance in Level 2b


The Level 0 and Level 1 data are not recorded in the DMP. Data and quality characteristics are transferred to the DMP in one step.