Here you can find technical and user documentation of UFZ services we provide:
- BioMe - Citizen science platform for biodiversity science
- Chromeleon - Chromatography data system software
- DMP - Data Management Portal
- DRP - Data Investigation Portal
- eLabFTW - Electronic lab notebook (ELN) software
- Grafana - Visualization and dashboards for time series data
- INTOB-DB - Database for toxicological effects of chemicals on organisms
- KNIME - Analytics platform for creating data science workflows
- OMERO - Visualize, manage, and annotate microscope images and metadata
- OV - Discover and monitor environmental research data
- QualiService - Archive qualitative social science research data
- SaQC - Quality control of numerical data
- SMS - Manage sensor metadata and controlled vocabularies for sensors
- SDI - Spatial data infrastructure
- time.IO - Time series data management